Hurricane, tornado, tsunami, whirlwind... these are all words that could describe the type of change that has happened over the last several months. Yet those terms would fail to truly describe it, seeing as each of them have destructive implications. To say the least, our lives have been hit by a tornado of change over the last three or four months. But, instead of leaving a path of death and debris in its wake, it has left new life, new opportunities, new vision and new hope. Nothing and no one has been torn down or beat up; rather, new foundations have been laid by the Master Builder on which He is constructing exciting blueprints for a future and a hope.
Change is inevitable where health is present. Nothing can grow without change and nothing can heal without it. One can always recognize the fingerprints of God in a situation when the change occurring leaves refreshment, excitement, and peace behind instead of a nasty aftertaste of anxiety, bitterness, and burnout (kind of like the emotional equivalent of a burp after eating spicy sausage, sauerkraut, ginger ale, and triple-chocolate cake... not exactly something you look forward to.) God has been stirring things up recently for our church here in Simi Valley in some very exciting ways. Gifted and integrity-filled leaders have transitioned out and new godly leaders have transitioned in. There is nothing but obedience and righteousness present on any side of the equation and I believe that I am blessed to have a front row seat in this class on Spirit-led Transition 101. Praise God that nothing has come about because of sin, politics, or indiscretion! It is a win-win situation whenever God orchestrates change, unlike the fiasco of man driving it.
Though our circumstances have changed and we are excited to face the new season, our greatest comfort is that we can hold onto a God who never changes! His hand is behind all of this, and through it all His love, peace, grace, and hope never falter because He doesn't change. Along with the Psalmist we can exclaim:
"Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations. Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God!"
Psalm 90:1-2
I am stoked to enter this new season, even if I do feel a bit dizzy from the whirlwind of the Holy Spirit's stirring. When it is His hand that shakes up my life, I have absolutely nothing to fear or lose and everything to gain and hope for!