So here is a little bit of me putting myself into Psalm 23 and seeing what the immediate applications would be of me being a dumb sheep and God being the Good Shepherd (Read the Psalm first to put it into proper perspective):
Lord, you are my shepherd. When I am with you there is no need that goes unmet. You are the one who leads me to seasons of rest in fields of abundant life and you lead me to places of refreshment. You are the on true source of life for my soul. Apart from you my heart becomes fractured, discontent, and aimless. When I remain in and near you my soul finds comfort, fulfillment, and courage for the adventure you make life to be. When I stay focused on you I know you will guide me in the ways of right-standing before you--when your purpose is my purpose nothing can shake me.
Even in the times of darkness question, pain, or discomfort I can remain secure because you are my front and rear guard. When I am with you fear must leave, for you are greater than anything I may face. You will always faithfully bring me through those dark valleys into fields of life and peace. Even in discipline you are a comfort because through it you shape me to look like your Son.
In the presence of my fears, insecurities and doubts you prepare for me a feast of joy, passion, and confidence in who you are and who you created me to be. In you I find my calling and the mantle of anointing and authority with which I am meant to traverse life's paths. My life in your hands leaves behind an aroma of blessing and favor, never a wake of destruction. For when I dwell in with my foundation firmly rooted in you I am eternally joyful, expectant, secure, hopeful, courageous, peaceful, passionate, and powerful.