
Faith in Christ Break Down

No, my faith is not breaking down! This is about breaking faith in Christ down into its fundamental pieces in order to better understand it.

In youth group we are starting a series on apologetics. We want to explore the fundamentals of our faith and discuss how we know it is true and how we can share it understandably with others. To begin the series we are having the group share what they think are the foundations of Christianity. So I pose the same question to you:

If you had to highlight the ten most important foundations/doctrines/truths of Christianity, what would you say they were? Of course, there are not only ten indispensable truths in all of Christianity, but I would be interested to see what you would highlight as your "Top Ten."



Denise said...

This was a challenging task...even though I feel like I have a pretty good grasp on the foundations of Christianity (thanks in large part to good old Duffield and Van Cleave)...10 things didn't just come to mind right away...but I gave it a shot anyhow:

Our Condition:
1. The Fall
2. Our Sin

God's Solution
3. Salvation
4. Jesus' Death & Resurrection
5. Forgiveness
6. Justification by Faith

Our Response
7. Worship
8. Discipleship
9. Being the Body of Christ
10. Mission