
Feel Free to Comment!

Hey folks. Just wanted to remind those of you who read this that I would love to hear your thoughts on anything that I post. One of the reasons I created this blog is to create conversation--not just publish my thoughts. I want to know what you think too. So comment away! Thanks.


Pray for Christians in India!

Christians in India are facing intense persecution--so much so that it caught the eye of the New York Times. Christians are being forced to convert to Hinduism under threat of destruction of their property and even death. The violence recently escalated after the killing of a Hindu swami known for encouraging people to choose Hinduism over Christianity. It is the Christians that bear the unfair response to the death of this Hindu leader.

Read the article here

My heart grieves for my Indian brothers and sisters in Christ. My life is so easy as an American Christian, for which I am thankful, but often that leads me to forget about the millions of Christians around the world who follow Christ at the risk of their own lives. I never want to become apathetic to this reality, even if I don't live a life even remotely as taxing as theirs. I am part of their lives just as much as they are part of mine as we are all part of the Body of Christ.

God Almighty, hear the cries of your children in India as they unfairly treated, abused, and killed for following you! Be the Mighty Protector of your children in India! Move upon the hearts of their enemies to turn from this evil. Bring light and freedom into this country riddled with darkness and bondage. May Psalm 91 ring true for your people there. Be their refuge and their shield against the attacks of the evil one.


When Ministry Holds up a Mirror

God saw fit to place me into a place of awesome influence when He placed me in the lives of these students. Now, if I leave it at that I could comfortably stand back, admire this season of my life, smile and continue on as if it were just one of the millions of details that makes up my current existence. But God doesn't leave it at that. He had to go and have James write that infernal verse "With great power comes great responsibility" ...... oh wait... that was what Uncle Ben told Peter Parker as he died..... sorry.... geek moment....... Ahh! Here's what I was looking for: James 3:1 says,

"Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness."

So that throws a wrench into my comfort as a teacher! here I am minding my own business and God gently clears his throat and says, "Hey bro. You know that stuff you told the youth group that they should be doing.... don't you think that you should do it too? Just a thought." Of course He is right. And it is in these moments that you realize that ministry isn't just for the people you minister to. It is also a powerful tool for God to hold up as a mirror every once in a while to see if you are willing to Spirit driven heart surgery when your heart doesn't line up with His (even if your words do).

Thank God that his grace continues to work in the lives of those we call ministers (which should basically be everyone claiming to be a Christian right?). As much as it hurts my pride, my free time, or my ideas, I am very thankful that God holds up that mirror. If I am someone that any number of people in this world will look at expecting to see Christ exemplified, I better be willing to take a look at myself daily to make sure I don't have something embarrassing hanging from my nose or something ugly coming out of my mouth. (Yeah... you get the point).