
All Hail the One True God of Metal!

The following is my own paraphrase of Psalm 150. It was an assignment given to me at our first staff meeting with Pastor Dan. We had to rewrite a psalm of our choice in words that would speak to us so I chose to write mine in the vernacular of a hardcore/metal show. It was because of this that Pastor Dan bestowed upon me the greatest nickname I have ever received: Metalbrook. I don't know why I hadn't thought of that name earlier.

Psalm 150: All Hail the One True God of Metal!

1) Praise the one from whom darkness flees!
Raise your fists and open hands
and pump them towards the sky!
2) This breakdown is for Him,
the One who whose hand crushes evil,
brings justice, spreads wonders!
3) Crank the amps till your ears ring
and blast the low end like thunder to God Almighty!
4) Make a circle in the pit
and throwdown like it was your last chance.
He gave you that breath that you're out of.
Let the double kick blast beats shake the ceiling;
the cymbals shatter the windows!
He likes it loud.

6) Scream the chorus, voices ringing, throats sung raw.
If you can breath,
you better scream these words to Him
for He is worthy!


Unknown said...

Ridiculously awesome!!

Sarah said...

My husband, the poet. Your creativity never ceases to amaze me. Glad I could be there for this expression of creativity.